Metric Stream To Participate At The Automotive Industry Action Group Conflict Minerals Sector Briefing In Michigan

Automotive industry action group (aiag) msa reference manualEstablished in 1982, AIAG is a not-for-profit association where experts from a diverse group of stakeholders – such as retailers, suppliers of all sizes, automakers, makers, service providers, academia, and government – function collaboratively to streamline market processes through worldwide requirements improvement & harmonized business practices. In 1999 the Automotive Market Action Group sold the ANX Network to the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), in the face of criticism about high charges and interoperability problems on the network. 22 In 2006, the private equity firm One Equity Partners acquired ANXeBusiness from SAIC. 23 Because 2006, ANX has expanded into other regions and now gives managed security, compliance and connectivity solutions to firms in the healthcare, retail, and automotive sectors.
Globally, the automotive supplier ecosystem is undergoing substantial development and development. It is also facing new challenges in the locations of supply chain dangers, … READ MORE >>>